by David | Mar 12, 2012 | Fibre Picker, Picking, Techniques, Tools of the Trade, Uncategorized, Video
And along comes the next instalment of the fibre processing video series – Picking the Fibre In my last post, I showed the first dry processing stage, using the fibre tumbler to shake the loose sand and grit out of the fleece. There’s still plenty more grunge to be...
by David | Feb 29, 2012 | Fibre Tumbler, Techniques, Tools of the Trade, Tumbling
I can smell Spring time in the air! Tiny patches of grass have been exposed along the paths in the snow, which is still about eighteen inches deep and although the temperature has swooped down to -12C over night, some tough little plants are poking through the soil...
by DesignerLynne | Feb 7, 2012 | Indian Head Spinning Wheel, Long Draw Spinning, Spinning Wheel, Techniques, Tools of the Trade, Video
Today I’m spinning a very chunky, thick-and-thin art yarn, using long draw technique. It’s a beautiful sunny winter’s day, so I’ve dragged onto the porch, the old Indian Head spinning wheel. This Indian head spinning wheel is mounted on a cast...
by DesignerLynne | Jan 26, 2012 | Gloves, Philosophy, Projects, Spinning Wheel, The Art of Spinning, Tools of the Trade
In my lengthy article yesterday, about the workings of the spinning wheel, I drifted slightly away from the opening statement that had me frustrated with the results of my spinning. My frustrations were the result of trying to spin worsted, when I’ve been spinning...
by DesignerLynne | Jan 24, 2012 | Spinning Wheel, Spinning Wheel Basics, Techniques
How Does a Spinning Wheel Work? A recent fibre frustration with my old, Spin-Well spinning wheel, brought me back to some basics that I thought worthy of sharing with you here. I’m not renowned for my patience when it comes to preparing the yarn, I want to get on and...
by DesignerLynne | Dec 22, 2011 | Needles & Hooks, Philosophy, Tools of the Trade
A recent comment by a reader of this blog opened our eyes to a glaring omission in our websites and the portrayal of the work we do here: “What is Mega-Knitting?” It’s a simple question, but it led me to really think about it. Firstly, I started knitting when I was...