by DesignerLynne | Feb 7, 2012 | Indian Head Spinning Wheel, Long Draw Spinning, Spinning Wheel, Techniques, Tools of the Trade, Video
Today I’m spinning a very chunky, thick-and-thin art yarn, using long draw technique. It’s a beautiful sunny winter’s day, so I’ve dragged onto the porch, the old Indian Head spinning wheel. This Indian head spinning wheel is mounted on a cast...
by DesignerLynne | Jan 24, 2012 | Spinning Wheel, Spinning Wheel Basics, Techniques
How Does a Spinning Wheel Work? A recent fibre frustration with my old, Spin-Well spinning wheel, brought me back to some basics that I thought worthy of sharing with you here. I’m not renowned for my patience when it comes to preparing the yarn, I want to get on and...
by DesignerLynne | Dec 23, 2011 | Techniques, Uncategorized
I have been asked by some about running a workshop for Nuno Felting (felting onto silk). I really enjoy the process of nuno felting and the result is truly beautiful. It is an activity best performed outside in the sunshine, with an ample supply of running water...
by DesignerLynne | Dec 23, 2011 | Techniques, Uncategorized
I have been asked by some about running a workshop for Nuno Felting (felting onto silk). I really enjoy the process of nuno felting and the result is truly beautiful. It is an activity best performed outside in the sunshine, with an ample supply of running water...
by DesignerLynne | Dec 23, 2011 | Techniques, Uncategorized
I have been asked by some about running a workshop for Nuno Felting (felting onto silk). I really enjoy the process of nuno felting and the result is truly beautiful. It is an activity best performed outside in the sunshine, with an ample supply of running water...
by David | Dec 1, 2011 | Needle Felting, Projects, Techniques, Weird & Unusual
It’s about time I came along and showed my little contribution to the fibre arts. Lynne has been clicking and clacking for several weeks, experimenting with different ideas and making various items to send to our scattered family. Lynne and I are what you might...