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What is this?

I did a ‘double take’ on walking into the workroom the other day, for this is what I saw:                     Anyone out there know what this is? Answers in the comments...

Feeding Time Socks

When I grow up, I would like a proper pair of working snowboots. I resemble our dear little bantam, Kiki Dee.  Kiki Dee has hugely feathered feet and she and I waddle along together, swinging each foot out sideways to clear a path in the snow for our unnaturally huge...

Hooked on Thrumming

A thrum is a wee sprig of roving or carded fibre that can be inserted into crochet or knitting at any point to add bulk or wadding to one side of the work.  This technique is used predominantly in knitted mitts and although I haven’t seen it before, I have...

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