by DesignerLynne | Jun 13, 2012 | Animals, Casting On, Homeopathy, Knitting, Llama Rescue, Mega Knitting, Techniques, Video
When I came up with the idea of creating a series of knitting tutorial videos for beginners, I hadn’t considered quite how much work there might be. However, when I sat down and scribbled a rough list of what I thought should be included and what would be counted as...
by DesignerLynne | May 31, 2012 | Casting On, Knitting, Mega Knitting, Techniques, Uncategorized
How you cast on your knitting makes the world of difference to how your knitting project will turn out. If you cast on too tightly or use the wrong type of casting on method, then your knitting will become wider as you progress and you could end up with a...
by DesignerLynne | May 25, 2012 | Casting On, Knitting, Techniques, Video
Knitted Cast On In this third video in the Beginners Guide to Knitting series, I would like to show you a method of casting on that I really don’t like and seldom use. Why on earth would I want to show you how to cast on using a method that isn’t very useful? The...
by DesignerLynne | May 17, 2012 | Casting On, Knitting, Techniques, Video
Cable Cast On In this second video tutorial in the Beginners Guide to Knitting Series, I will show you one of the most popular methods for casting on, called the cable cast on. It’s called cable simply due to the neatly twisted cable appearance that is both...
by DesignerLynne | May 16, 2012 | Casting On, Knitting, Techniques
Lynne’s Simple Long Tail Cast On I am delighted by the strong resurgence of interest that is taking place around the yarn arts, such as knitting and crochet, and more especially amongst the younger generation for whom knitting was something that happened to...
by DesignerLynne | May 2, 2012 | Art Yarn, Indian Head Spinning Wheel, Long Draw Spinning, Spinning Wheel, Techniques, Throw
The weather over the Easter weekend was so lovely, that as I sat at the spinning wheel outside, I decided to capture it on camera as a casual lesson in long draw spinning. Sewing Machine Treadle Mounted Spinning Wheel There was a lot of interest in the long draw...