by David | Apr 6, 2012 | Animals, Caring For Animals, Things Llama, Video
Digging through our photographic archive, I found this short video clip and thought it would make a nice little camelid cameo. Although Llamas in the Raw is not a registered charity, several of our llamas are rescued animals, adopted or collected from people who no...
by David | Mar 28, 2012 | Animals, Caring For Animals, Homeopathy, Philosophy
If we choose to keep an animal, we take on a considerable amount of responsibility to care for that animal to the best of our ability and it is a sad reflection of our fast-paced society that animals often aren’t given the same degree of care and consideration as...
by David | Mar 12, 2012 | Fibre Picker, Picking, Techniques, Tools of the Trade, Uncategorized, Video
And along comes the next instalment of the fibre processing video series – Picking the Fibre In my last post, I showed the first dry processing stage, using the fibre tumbler to shake the loose sand and grit out of the fleece. There’s still plenty more grunge to be...
by David | Feb 29, 2012 | Fibre Tumbler, Techniques, Tools of the Trade, Tumbling
I can smell Spring time in the air! Tiny patches of grass have been exposed along the paths in the snow, which is still about eighteen inches deep and although the temperature has swooped down to -12C over night, some tough little plants are poking through the soil...
by David | Dec 29, 2011 | Weird & Unusual
I did a ‘double take’ on walking into the workroom the other day, for this is what I saw: Anyone out there know what this is? Answers in the comments...