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Knitted Cast On

In this third video in the Beginners Guide to Knitting series, I would like to show you a method of casting on that I really don’t like and seldom use.

Why on earth would I want to show you how to cast on using a method that isn’t very useful?  The knitted cast on is useful for learning the very rudiments of knitting.  The finished edge is very loose and elastic, leaving holes instead of the neat crisp, yet stretchy edge that we have discovered so far with the cable cast on and the long tail cast on using the thumb.  This lacy edge is, of course, quite decorative, but lacking rigidity, it quickly

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loses its original shape if subjected to stretching and movement.  However, if you try this casting on technique, you can learn a great deal about how tension affects your knitting.

In this video I show you the difference between knitting through the front leg of the stitch and the back leg.  Knitting through the back leg of a stitch adds a slight twist that takes up some of the slack, whilst knitting through the front leg allows more slack in the edge.  This might seem like a really basic point, but it is a point that some experienced knitters haven’t yet realised.  Another element of the knitted casting on method is that it does not require a long tail. A three inch tail is quite sufficient, which means there is less chance of knitting the tail instead of the working yarn.  Hands up anyone who has managed to knit to the end of the tail, before realising their mistake?  My hand is firmly up there!

If you’re looking for a decorative, lacy or stretchy edge for a project, then try the knitted cast on.

More knitting and spinning videos coming very soon.  Stay tuned!


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