A llamas tongue is so short that it cannot lick. In the animal kingdom this could spell tragedy for newborn babies, since their mothers usually need to lick them clean and dry in order for them to survive the cold of the first night. Llamas overcome this by ensuring that they give birth in the morning, giving the cria (baby camelid) the chance to get up, run around, dry off and thus have a good shot at survival. 10am is the most popular birthing time.
Cuzco Shows His Tiny Tongue & Baby Incisors
Llamas also lose their front teeth when they are between two and three years old. The razor sharp incisors of the baby make way for the larger adult incisors. Eating can become very difficult for them, during this transition period.
This was an interesting factlet! I didn’t realize they all had such short tongues…oh how I miss those llama kisses!! 🙂
Hope all is super out your way – I finished my Thrummed Slippers! YAY!