Just a very brief note to let you know about the next workshop.
The drum carders have both been recovered and they are fabulous! What a difference in the quality of fibre and the lack of time it takes to float off a beautiful silky batt. However, having spent too much time trying to plan the workroom to enable a group of people to work with the various carders, we’ve decided to refit the room with new cabinets and workbenches (those who have seen this room will know it’s a mess with a capital ‘M’).
We’re starting on that work this week, but in the meantime, how about jumping into Tunisian Crochet for a day? Known by a variety of names such as Afghan Stitch, Afghan Knitting and Moroccan Knitting, Tunisian Crochet is a mix of knitting and crochet and gives a unique woven appearance to work.
Here’s another quick look at the Throw I made for Natasha, done in Tunisia Crochet; complete with twizzles and buns
So, how about the beginning of January for the workshop and we’ll dish out a bunch of double-hooked needles, perhaps in size 35 this time?
Let me know what you think!