the best super chunky chenille yarn
If you’re searching for the best quality chenille yarn at the best price, then look no further!
You want your skeins joined without big ugly knots? we do it for you free of charge!
Open the box, snip the top off the bag, grab the big yellow tag and start knitting! We make it simple
enjoy a yarn with coffee
by hook or by hand
for blue days

brighten up the play room
we have your team colours
it’s not real ivory!
make it bright!

no knots in our yarn!
minimalist home decor

mega chocolate brownies!

knit ’em big! knit ’em quick!
the biggest colour range
make it yourself
pink for pink sake
make it yourself
the primaries
is it really edible?
FAB offers a huge colour range of super-soft, super-chunky chenille yarn guaranteed to be the best quality found anywhere AND at the best prices
LLAMALOVE50 Discount Coupon
50% off all downloadable plans from FAB. Build your own spinning wheel, rag rug loom, fiber tumbler,fiber picker, all to help animals in need
Mega Yarn for Mega Knitting
Affordable Super-Bulky Mega Yarn Being advocates of natural fiber for so many years, FAB has resisted embracing synthetic fibres, but as the Borg clearly stated: ‘You will be Assimilated into a Synthetic Yarn User. Resistance is futile’, or at least they used words...